Week Three: Day Two - "The Purpose and Details of the Old Testament"

A little less than half of the Old Testament is made up of stories.    When we talk about the “stories” of the Bible, we don’t mean fiction or creative inventions.  That is the stuff novels, children’s books and fairy tails are made of.  The stories of the Old Testament are historical and biographical accounts that are true.  If we are going to read the Bible well, we have to learn how to read and understand it’s stories.  If you have read the Old Testament much at all, you have probably encountered stories that are hard to understand.  But the good news is that you have read, heard and watched stories all your life, and the skills you have gained over the years in reading and understanding stories can be put to work in reading the Old Testament. 

Take a look at the chart “God’s Story” I have included.  Identify the three themes you notice in the grand story of the Bible.




As you read , ask yourself questions about what you are reading:

o   What is the purpose of this story? What characteristics of God are portrayed? What does God value?  What is God’s agenda?

To practice answering those questions, look at the story of Moses.

Find Moses on “Old Testament Timeline, Part 1”

Carefully read Exodus 2-3 and answer the following questions.

What do you think is the purpose of these stories?  What did you learn about him?

What kind of God is God, according to these stories? What are some of His characteristics? What does God value, according to these stories?

What was God’s agenda at this point in the Old Testament story?

It is also important to notice details of the Old Testament stories.  You can pick up on those details as you read by asking yourself who, what, when, where, why, and how.  Answer the following questions to identify details of Moses’ story in Exodus 2-3:

Who are other key characters in the story besides God and Moses?

What are key turning points in the stories?

When did the story of Moses’ move from Egypt take place? (Ex. 2:11)

Were did each of the key scenes in Exodus 2-3 occur according to the following verses?

Exodus 2:3

Exodus 2:15

Exodus 3:1

5. Why was Moses reluctant to respond to God’s call?

6. How did God convince Moses to follow the call?

What do these details reveal about God, His nature, and His ways?

God is weaving the details of your life together, just as He did with Moses.  His plan may not always be clear to you, but studying the lives of Biblical characters like Moses shows you that God is working in the lives of people like you and me, who seek to obey Him.  If you are committed to Jesus, you can be sure that God is intricately involved in your life and is working all things together for your good as He brings out His purposes for you.

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