Week One – Thursday

“Benefits of Reading God’s Word - Part Two”

What can be said about the Psalms that has not already been said?

Greater minds than mine have given greater time, greater study, and greater depth into the Psalms than I will ever be capable of.  But, this is what I love about the Psalms; I don’t have to be an aged scholar to be able to find comfort and correction in this wonderful hymn book.  The Psalms are just that, a series of stanzas and verses that are woven together in such a poetic and deeply moving book.

When we come to Psalm 119, we have a very specific and particular portion of the Psalms.  This chapter is made up of short prayers on the topic of God’s Word.  Beyond simple prayers they are commands or laws regarding God’s Word.  This Psalm is an acrostic poem, each stanza beginning with a different letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.  Within each stanza each verse begins with the same Hebrew letter.

It is a deep combination of Reflections on the Benefits of God’s Word, Attitudes We Should Have Toward the Word, and Appeals to God About His Word.

When we consider how deep the Psalmist goes and the time and effort placed on writing the Psalm, we see clearly the Importance that God’s Word had in his life.   TODAY I want us to stop and think about the Value We Place On God’s Word In Our Own Lives.  Do we find ourselves driven by the place of priority the Word holds in our lives?  Are we compelled to dig deeper than yesterday into God’s Word?

If I lose a sock in the dryer, it doesn’t really bother me.  My dryer lives on a steady diet of socks and the occasional receipt left in my pocket.  But if I loose my wedding ring in the dryer I am a bit more concerned and I panic over loosing something so precious.  So it is with the Word in our lives.  If we miss a day and it doesn’t bother us, it speaks volumes to it’s importance in our life.  But if we can’t go to sleep before spending time in God’s Word then we obviously see it much more valuable.

READ PSALM 119:1-64

  • As you read the verses, pay close attention to the Psalmist’s reflections on the Value of God’s Word.

  • Now, go back and select verses in the text that seem especially relevant to you at this particular time in your life.  Note those verses that speak to either the value you have for the Word or some area where your value for the Word is lacking.

Ø      Here is an example of what I mean:

-          Benefits of Following God’s Word: verses 2, 9, 45

-          Attitudes toward God’s Word: verses 5, 14, 40

-          Appeals to God about the Word: verses 10, 18, 27

  • Was there any verses in Psalm 119:1-64 that stood out to you or even surprised you concerning the “Benefits of Reading God’s Word?”

When I came to these verses in our study, and took the time to walk through them with total focus on the questions (above) I found some things that stood out to me.  They stood out because of how the Psalmist valued the Word but also because of how I was missing the mark in how I viewed the Word.

When I see the Psalmist sincere longing and passion to UNDERSTAND God’s Word I saw such a lacking for that in my own life.  So many times we read out of duty or I find myself reading just to teach or preach and miss what God has for me personally.  I see his words like “understanding” or “instruction” and see a desire to be led and guided by the Word of God through know what God meant, not just what is written.  I want to know what God is saying to me!  I want to UNDERSTAND!

  • When you read the Bible, do you plead with God for understanding?  Do you spend time studying out a portion of Scripture or just taking it at face value as words on a page?

Just as we said in an earlier lesson this week, “Reading the Bible Well is a skill and discipline” and we must cultivate it by consistently digging in God’s Word and asking for understanding and teaching by the Holy Spirit.  Peter wrote As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2)

Peter instructs us to choose to turn our hearts toward God’s Word, to choose to want it above all other things.  Pray that God will work this desire into your heart through the course of this study.

·        Choose one verse from Psalm 119:1-64 that relates to “Desiring God’s Word.”  MEMORIZE and meditate on that verse this week.

·        Now pray, using this verse as the content of your prayers.

-          I chose Psalm 119: 5 “Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!”

“Dear God,

I choose not to listen to any other voice.

I choose not to follow any other influence.

I choose not to walk any other path.

I choose not to go back and forth.

Help me God!

I pray that I would be settled in Your Word.

Make it the desire of my heart to find contentment on Your Instruction.

Guard my heart from giving in to any other order apart from Your Statutes.

Settle me.

Guide me.

Establish me.

Order my steps in Your Word.


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